fredag 4 november 2011

A coincidense

Its november now. When I wrote here for last, it was still summer outside. November is a beautyful mounth for me.
Yesterday night, when I have walked to the gas-station for buing oil for my car, I found a splitted and crashed mobile-phone at the car-park-zoon, between what in Hagforce called the bow-bridge. I put it together and try it, and the phone was funktional for calling, even if the window on it was broked on a way that in first sight was seeemd like a fantasy picture. I know how a nokia-phone is maid, so I called the first name in the phone-book, for asking if they konow the number, and the owner of the phone. I first talked to a man, then with his wife, but they didnt know anything about it. D told me , to call my own phone, and get the number that way, and look after the number on the enrio-site.
And guess what! The numeber was programmed in my phone, because the phone was owned of a woman I know and like i lot!
The coincidense number two, was that I meet here earlier in the day only a few meter from the place that I find her phone, so she must have lost it just a minute after we was talking.

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